Apply for Travel Assistance

Apache Software Foundation

If you would like to attend an ASF event but are unable to for financial reasons, you can use this site to apply for financial assistance.

To get started or to resume the process you need to confirm your identity using your Apache credentials or your email address.

Confirm Identity

To understand what the application process entails, it is recommended to read the rest of this page carefully first. Financial assistance is provided by the Travel Assistance Committee of the ASF.

Notes for applicants

Those that are thinking of applying for financial assistance should be warned that the Committee has limited finances, and as a consequence, only a few places are available. Applicants should have valid reasons for attending ApacheCon events that are of benefit to both the applicant and the ASF, and open source as a whole.

What is Covered

The Committee is able to provide assistance with travel (air fares or train tickets), accommodation during the conference, and conference fees. At this time, the Committee is unable to provide any funds for general living expenses during the conference itself.

Arrangements and Planning for Successful Applicants

The Committee, and the ASF itself, do not have the means to distribute funds for air fares, etc, to successful applicants who will undoubtedly be located worldwide. Therefore, travel and accommodation will be arranged and paid for directly by the ASF or its appointed agents.

How to apply for travel assistance

Complete the online application and if not already done so, create an account by clicking on the 'Register' link. Once logged in proceed to answer all questions as fully as possible. Note that you do not need to answer all questions in the same session, you can keep coming back until complete.

Ensure that you specify which event you are applying for. Preference is generally given to those that apply to attend an event nearest their home location. In other words, those in Europe or Asia would fair better applying an ApacheCon EU or Asia event when they next come round.

However, compelling reasons to go to an event further away than your nearest ApacheCon location will be considered in full.

What we expect from you

In exchange for financial assistance, we do ask that you help out at the event itself including but not limited to:-

We therefore aim to get people in at least the day before the event and to leave the day after the event completes. But do not worry! You will still have plenty of time to attend talks that interest you, get to see the sights of the hosting city, and meet people from your projects and other folks you have been communicating with.


Those that have not heard back within one week of the application closing date should assume that they did not qualify on this occasion, but you are welcome to email for confirmation if you wish.

No reasons for denying an application will be given, but you may assume that others were considered to have a greater need on this occasion.